Q-values of the dendritic input impedance (blue), somatic input impedance (red), and dendro-somatic transfer impedance (black). a: The default model from Figures 1B, 2C, 3, and 4 (length of passive cable m, length of active distal end m, dendrite diameter m, peak conductance in active segment nS). b: Tapering of diameter towards the dendritic end (dendrite diameter gradually decreases from m to m). c: Neuron with two dendrites, both with the same parameters as model a. d: Branching neuron (length of primary dendrite m, length of passive parts of both daughter dendrites m, length of active dendritic ends m). e: Uniform distribution of h-conductances (peak conductance density mS/cm). f: Exponential distribution of h-conductances (
S/cm). Note that the total h-conductance and the length of the path between distal dendritic end and the soma were the same in all considered cases.