Activation of ARE reporter and induction of endogenous Nqo1 transcript levels in vivo 12 h after gavage-feeding of Ulva extract mixtures. Male ARE-hPAP reporter mice (n = 3) were gavaged with a single dose (200 μL) of prioritized fractions NP3, NP4, NP5, P4 or vehicle control (10% DMSO, 10% Cremophor in PBS) and various tissues harvested 12 h post feeding. (A) Lung and liver tissues were analyzed for hPAP activity. For each mouse, tissue samples were analyzed in triplicate. (B) Relative Nqo1 transcript changes and heatmap to visualize trends in fraction-dependent Nqo1 induction for various tissues. Total RNA was isolated from each tissue and mRNA was reverse-transcribed to cDNA that was then analyzed by TaqMan-based qPCR. For each mouse, tissue samples were analyzed in triplicate. Results are represented as fold induction ± SEM.