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. 2013 Nov;38(6):366–380. doi: 10.1503/jpn.120178

Table 1.

Studies evaluating the association between the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and neuropsychological tests

Study No. patients Diagnosis No. controls (relatives) Cognitive measures Main results*
Green et al.16 160 MSIT, WASI (vocabulary, similarities, block design, matrix reasoning)
  • MSIT (accuracy and reaction time): Val/Val ↓

  • WASI: Val/Val ↓

Gong et al.17 700 Digital and spatial working memory spans No association between COMT and digital and spatial working memory spans
Blanchard et al.18 291 Spatial n-back task No association between COMT and n-back task
Greenwood et al.19 87 Schizophrenia WCST, WAIS-R (digit span)
  • WCST (category achievement): Val/Met ↓

  • No association between COMT and WCST (perseverative errors) and digit span

Wishart et al.20 95 TMT A–B, D-KEFS (trail-making subtest)
  • TMT-B: Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • No association between COMT and TMT A

  • TMT-B: COMT x ANKK1 interaction: Val carriers + T carriers ↓

Stokes et al.21 50 Spatial n-back, go/no-go, Tower of London tasks No association between COMT and any cognitive measure
Rosa et al.22 67 Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder 186 Modified Stroop test (manipulating level of required cognitive stability)
  • Patients and controls: task requiring cognitive stability: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and task requiring cognitive flexibility

Solís-Ortiz et al.23 74 F WCST, Stroop test, CPT (test single and AX task), verbal fluency test
  • WCST (commission errors) – Stroop test: Val/Val ↑

  • No association between COMT and CPT and verbal fluency test

Uçok et al.24 99 Schizophrenia WCST, CPT (ZA task)
  • CPT (commission errors): Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • No association between COMT and WCST

Wilkosc et al.25 200 WCST WCST (percentage of nonperseverative errors): Val/Val Val/met ↓ (in males only)
Wirgenes et al.26 315 Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
  • 137 schizophrenia

  • 27 schizoaffective disorder

  • 7 schizophreniform disorder

340 Bergen n-back task, digit symbol coding test, CVLT, D-KEFS (colour-word interference test, verbal fluency test)
  • Schizophrenia: n-back task: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

  • Controls: no association between COMT and any cognitive measures

Pomarol-Clotet et al.27 42 Schizophrenia 31 N-back task (sequential letter version) No association between COMT and n-back task
Dennis et al.28 496 to 1218 CANTAB (paired associates learning, spatial working memory, verbal recognition memory—immediate recall, ID/ED, rapid visual processing, spatial span, spatial recognition memory), Green’s story recall (immediate and delayed), TMT A–B, WAIS-III (forward and backward digit span, digit symbol, symbol search), COWAT, semantic fluency, Stroop colour-word interference No association between COMT and any cognitive measures
Van den Bos et al.29 70 IGT Val/Val ↑
Yue et al.30 21 N-back task (sequential number version) Val/Met ↓, Val/Val ↑
Krug et al.31 80 Verbal fluency No association between COMT and verbal fluency
Neuhaus et al.32 111 Schizophrenia CPT-IP Val/Val ↑
Prata et al.33 42 Schizophrenia 48 Verbal fluency task
  • Schizophrenia: Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • Controls: no association between COMT and verbal fluency task

Schmack et al.34 44 Monetary incentive delay No association between COMT and monetary incentive delay
Sheldrick et al.35 522 D2 Test of Attention, MWT-B, LNS, TMT B, verbal fluency, Wechsler Memory Scale (spatial span)
  • TMT-B: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Roussos et al.36 107 SoC, IGT
  • SoC: Val/Val ↓

  • IGT: Val/Val ↑

Roffman et al.37 185 Chronic schizophrenia WCST
  • No association between COMT and WCST (perseverative errors and category achievement)

  • COMT x MTHFR mutation interaction: Val/Val +T carriers ↓(perseverative errors)

Opgen-Rhein et al.38 63 Schizophrenia 40 ANT Schizophranie–controls: Val/Val ValMet ↓ reaction time and ↑ conflict effect scores
Mata et al.39 130 First-episode nonaffective psychosis
  • General verbal ability: WAIS-III (vocabulary, similarities, information, and comprehension subtests)

  • Attention and processing speed: CPT (correct trials), WAIS-III (digit symbol coding), WAIS-III (forward digits), TMT-A

  • Executive and perceptual organization function: WAIS-III (backward digits, letter fluency, category fluency), TMT-B

  • Verbal memory: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (initial learning, total learning, short-term recall, long-term recall, recognition)

  • Visual memory: Rey complex figure (immediate reproduction, delayed reproduction)

  • Motor function: Grooved Pegboard Test (dominant and nondominant hand), finger tapping test (dominant and nondominant hand)

No association between COMT and any cognitive domain
Diaz-Asper et al.40 325 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder 330 (359) Spatial n-back task, WCST, CPT 1–9, WAIS-R (short form: arithmetic, similarities, picture completion and digit symbol), ID/ED Patients, controls, relatives:
  • N-back task: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Bertolino et al.41 82 Spatial n-back task, recognition memory paradigm No association between COMT and any cognitive measures
Aguilera et al.42 521 WCST, CPT-IP, WMS-R (backward visual span), WAIS III (LNS)
  • LNS: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Woodward et al.43 86 Schizophrenia ACTT, WCST, WISC-R (mazes), BSRT, CIGT, COWAT, WAIS-R (digit symbol)
  • ACTT and WCST (perseverative errors): Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

MacDonald et al.44 464 N-back task (sequential letter version), CPT (AX/DPX tasks)
  • CPT (DPX): Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and performance on N-back

Ehlis et al.45 56 Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders Stroop test, TMT A–B, verbal fluency test
  • Stroop test: Val/Val Val/Met ↓ (trend significance)

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Dickerson et al.46 364 Schizophrenia RBANS: immediate memory (list learning and story memory tasks), visuospatial/constructional (figure copy and line orientation tasks), language (picture naming and semantic fluency tasks), attention (digit span and coding tasks) and delayed memory (list recall, story recall, figure recall and list recognition tasks) No association between COMT and any of the RBANS index
Caldú et al.47 75 WCST, Conners’ CPT II, n-back task, WAIS (vocabulary)
  • WCST and CPT (commission errors): Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

  • CPT (commission errors): COMT x DAT interaction: Val/Val and 10/10 ↓

Barnett et al.48 822 Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders 1088 WCST
  • Patients: no association between COMT and WCST (perseverative errors)

  • Controls: WCST (perseverative errors): Val/Val ↓

Szöke et al.49 66 Schizophrenia 50 (57 SCZ) TMT A–B, WCST Patients, controls, relatives: no association between COMT and any cognitive measure
Rybakowski et al.50 79 Schizophrenia WCST
  • WCST: Val/Val male ↑ (perseverative errors)

  • Val/Val female ↓ (nonperseverative errors)

Krabbendam et al.51 23 Schizophrenia 21 (33) CPT (Flanker version) Patients, controls, relatives: Val/Val ↓ (correct responses)
Han et al.52 132M First-episode schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder WAIS (information, digit span, vocabulary. arithmetic comprehension, similarity, picture, picture arrangement, block design, object assembly, digit symbol)
  • Digit span: Val/Val ↓

  • Similarity: Val/Val ↑

Golimbet et al.53 124 Schizophrenia 116 (79) Long-term memory, short-term memory, verbal fluency, selectivity of speech relations, calculating with switching over No association between COMT and any cognitive measure
Bertolino et al.54 27 Recognition memory paradigm Val/Val ↓ (accuracy at retrieval)
Stefanis et al.55 527 CPT-IP version Val/Val Val/Met: higher reaction time variability
Ho et al.56 159 Schizophrenia 84 WCST, digit span backward, TMT A–B No association between COMT and any cognitive measure
Galderisi et al.57 106 Schizophrenia CPT (AX task), WCST CPT (AX errors) and WSCT (perseverative errors): Val/Val ↓
Bruder et al.58 402 SDR, WSPT, N-back (sequential letter version), LNS, WCST (n = 246)
  • WCST and LNS: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Blasi et al.59 23 Variable attentional control task Val/Val Val/Met ↓
Rosa et al.60 89 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, psychotic mood disorder, schizophreniform disorder, brief psychotic disorder, delusional disorder, atypical psychosis (89) WCST
  • Patients: no association between COMT and performance on WCST

  • Relatives: Val/Val ↓ (perseverative errors)

Nolan et al.61 26 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder Competing programs task Val/Val Val/Met ↓ cognitive stability and ↑ cognitive flexibility
de Frias et al.62 286 M Episodic memory (recall test, recognition test), semantic memory (knowledge test, fluency test)
  • Recall test: Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Tsai et al.63 120 F WCST No association between COMT and WCST (perseverative errors)
Goldberg et al.64 74 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder (depressed type) 68 (108) Spatial n-back task, CPT 1–9, WAIS-R (IQ similarities, arithmetic, picture completion and digit symbol)
  • Patients, controls, relatives: n-back task: Val/Val ↓

  • No association between COMT and other cognitive measures

Malhotra et al.65 73 WCST WCST (perseverative errors): Val/Val Val/Met ↓
Joober et al.66 94 Schizophrenia 31 WCST
  • Patients: WCST (perseverative errors): Val/Val Val/Met ↓

  • Controls: no association between COMT and WCST (perseverative errors)

Bilder1 58 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder
  • General executive and perceptual organization: LNS, WCST, category fluency, letter fluency, block design, visual reproductions I and II

  • Declarative verbal learning and memory: paragraph recall I and II, word list learning I and II

  • Processing speed and attention: TMT A–B, digit symbol

Processing speed and attention domain: Val/Val ↓
Egan et al.67 175 Schizophrenia 55 (219) WCST, WAIS-R, WRAT Patients, controls, relatives: WSCT (perseverative errors): Val/Val ↓

ACTT = Auditory Consonant Trigram Test; ANT = Attention Network Test; BSRT = Buschke Selective Reminding Test; CANTAB = Cambridge Neuropsyhological Test Automated Battery; CIGT = Category Instance Generation Test; COMT = catechol-O-methyltransferase; COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CPT = Continuous Performance Test; CPT-IP = Continuous Performance Test, Identical Pairs version; CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; DAT = dopamine transporter; D-KEFS = Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System; F = female; DPX = Dot Pattern Expectancy task; ID/ED = intradimensional/extradimensional shift task; IGT = Iowa Gambling Task; LNS = letter and number sequencing; M = male; MSIT = Multi-Source Interference Task; MWT-B = Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatz-Intelligenztest B; RBANS = Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status; SDR = Spatial Delayed Response; SoC = Stockings of Cambridge; TMT = Trail Making Test; WAIS = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WAIS III = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III; WAIS-R = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; WASI = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; WCST = Wisconsin Card sorting Test; WISC-R = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WMS-R = Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised; WRAT = Wide Range Achievement Test; WSPT = Word Serial Position Test.