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. 2013 Nov 7;7:25. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00025

Table 3.

Table of available ontology for data dictionary terms.

Ontology NeuroLex name and ID NIF standard ontology ID NCI methathesaurus ID
Gender Gender assessment birnlex_3026 nif_inv:birnlex_3026 C44177
Race Race assessment birnlex_3040 nif_inv:birnlex_3040 C17049
Group Control role birnlex_11017a
Ethnicity Ethnicity assessment birnlex_3015 nif_inv:birnlex_3015 C16564
Marital status Marital status assessment birnlex_3031 nif_inv:birnlex_3031 C25188
Type of housing/living arrangement Living arrangement assessment birnlex_3030 nif_inv:birnlex_3030 C94852
Number of siblings C102469
Number of children Offspring cardinality assessment birnlex_3035 nif_inv:birnlex_3035
Current occupation/job title Occupation assessment birnlex_3036b nif_inv:birnlex_3036 C25193
Principle occupation Occupation assessment birnlex_3036b nif_inv:birnlex_3036 C25193
Level of education Education assessment birnlex_3014c nif_inv:birnlex_3014
Years of schooling Education assessment birnlex_3014c nif_inv:birnlex_3014 C17953
Father's level of education Father's education birnlex_3021d nif_inv:birnlex_3021
Father's years of schooling Father's education birnlex_3021d nif_inv:birnlex_3021
Mother's level of education Mother's education birnlex_3023e nif_inv:birnlex_3023
Mother's years of schooling Mother's education birnlex_3023e nif_inv:birnlex_3023
Socioeconomic status Socio-Economic status birnlex_3048 nif_inv:birnlex_3048 C17468
Handedness (CUI) C0023114
Edinburg handedness assessment Edinburg handedness assessment birnlex_3013 nif_inv:birnlex_3013
SAPS Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms birnlex_3045f nif_inv:birnlex_3045
SANS Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms birnlex_3041g nif_inv:birnlex_3041
Cognitive assessment birnlex_2021 nif_inv:birnlex_2021 C0870300

Currently a proxy class to be replaced by its OBI (The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations) equivalent.


NeuroLex Occupation assessment includes work specialties as defined by duties and required skills as well as principal activity that a person does to earn money.


NeuroLex Educational assessment includes level of education and years of schooling.


NeuroLex Father's education assessment includes father's level of education and father's years of schooling.


NeuroLex Mother's education assessment includes mother's level of education and mother's years of schooling.


NeuroLex SAPS describes a type of assessment without any defined attributes.


NeuroLex SANS describes a type of assessment without any defined attributes.

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