Figure 1.
Elevation in CHOP and BiP levels in GD derived cells. A. RNA was isolated from different GD derived skin fibroblasts, and the corresponding cDNA was used for quantitative RT-PCR with primers specific for human BiP or CHOP. GAPDH was used as a normalizing control. Two different normal cell lines were used as control. Dark box: CHOP; Light box: BiP. B, C. Protein lysates were prepared from different GD derived skin fibroblasts and subjected to western blotting. The corresponding blots were interacted with anti BiP (B) and anti CHOP (C) antibodies. As a loading control, the blots were interacted with anti-tubulin antibody. For each protein there are two blots, each with a normal control. This is due to the fact that cell lysates were prepared at different times, depending on the growth rate of the cell lines and, therefore, ran on different gels. The genotypes for B and C are shown in D. D. The blots were quantified as explained. The amount of BiP and CHOP was divided by that of tubulin in the same lane, and the values obtained for normal cells were considered 1. The results are the mean (minus plus standard error) of three different experiments. Significance: * < 0.05; ** < 0.01.