Figure 2.
Elevation in Xbp1 splicing and eIF2α phosphorylation in GD derived cells. A. Scheme showing the two Xbp1 RNA variants, the spliced and the non-spliced forms. B. RNA was isolated from different GD derived skin fibroblasts, and the cDNA prepared from it was used for RT-PCR, with primers specific for the spliced form of human Xbp1. GAPDH was used as a normalizing control. C. The results (three different experiments) were quantified and the amount of Xbp1 was divided by that of GAPDH in the same lane. The values obtained for normal cells were considered 1. D. Protein lysates were prepared from different GD derived skin fibroblasts and subjected to western blotting. The corresponding blots were interacted with anti phosphorylated eIF2α (p-eIF2α) and as a loading control, with anti eIF2α antibodies. E. p-eIF2α amount was divided by that of eIF2α in the same lane, and the values obtained for normal cells were considered 1. The results are the mean (minus plus standard error) of three different experiments. Significance: * < 0.05; ** < 0.01. The genotypes for B and D are shown in C and E, respectively.