Fig. 3.
Rebound spiking with step inhibition. A classical current step protocol is applied to the dimensionless modified propofol model. Here, the value of is held constant at , roughly mimicking the slowly decaying portion of the dynamic inhibition current. The protocol is simulated for four different durations, 10, 20, 50, and 200 ms. a Duration = 10 ms, b Duration = 20 ms, c Duration = 50 ms, d Duration = 200 ms. Voltage time-traces are shown within each panel, and the corresponding time-traces of are shown below. As opposed to dynamic inhibition, here we observe no cessation of spiking for prolonged inhibitory input. On the contrary, we observe an isolated couplet of spikes for prolonged inhibition, and as the duration of the inhibitory step is further increased, we observe a triplet of spikes