Table 2.
Results of 2 (ADHD, LNCG) X 2 (User, Non User) MANCOVA
Dependent Variable | ADHD Non User n=43 | ADHD User n=40 | LNCG Non User n=19 | LNCG User n=19 | Main Effect Diagnosis | Main Effect User Status | Interaction |
HVLT Immediate Recall | 6.38 (.27) | 6.68 (.29) | 7.25 (.42) | 7.36 (.42) | F(9,120)=4.40* d=.46 |
F(9,120)=.30 d=.01 |
F(9,120)=.07 |
HVLT Total Recall | 39.86 (1.56) | 39.86 (1.68) | 45.52 (2.41) | 45.47 (2.41) | F(9,120)=6.98** d=.52 |
F(9,120)<.01 d=.08 |
F(9,120)<.01 |
HVLT Delayed Recall | 39.01 (1.76) | 40.67 (1.89) | 43.64 (2.71) | 44.87 (2.70) | F(9,120)=3.38 T d=.56 |
F(9,120)=.36 d=.04 |
F(9,120)=.01 |
TMT Trial B Time | 56.58 (5.17) | 60.35 (5.57) | 46.56 (7.98) | 44.50 (7.96) | F(9,120)=3.36T d=.54 |
F(9,120)=.02 d=.04 |
F(9,120)=.20 |
D-KEFS Inhibition Time | 50.23 (2.28) | 55.94 (2.46) | 47.76 (3.52) | 43.26 (3.52) | F(9,120)=5.95* d=.47 |
F(9,120)=.04 d=.13 |
F(9,120)=3.20 T |
IGT Net Score | 12.71 (3.49) | 6.21 (3.76) | 32.47 (5.38) | 10.11 (5.37) | F(9,120)=6.17* d=.48 |
F(9,120)=9.08** d=.22 |
F(9,120)=3.28 T |
PASAT Percent Accuracy | 37.03 (2.60) | 36.08 (2.80) | 46.78 (4.01) | 48.56 (4.01) | F(9,120)=9.79** d=.66 |
F(9,120)=.01 d=.07 |
F(9,120)=.18 |
GNG Percent Commission | 46.15 (2.97) | 48.97 (3.20) | 30.54 (4.58) | 29.18 (4.57) | F(9,120)=19.06** d=.68 |
F(9,120)=.03 d=.11 |
F(9,120)=.31 |
GNG Tau | 79.29 (7.00) | 88.76 (7.54) | 83.95 (10.80) | 77.24 (10.78) | F(9,120)=.13 d=.22 |
F(9,120)=.02 d=.18 |
F(9,120)=.85 |
Means are estimated marginal means adjusted for covariates (standard errors);
d=Cohen’s Effect Size generated from unadjusted means and standard deviations, ADHD=Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, LNCG=Local Normative Comparison Group; HVLT=Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; TMT=Trail Making Test; D-KEFS=Delis Kaplan Executive Function System; IGT=Iowa Gambling Test; PASAT=Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; GNG=Go/NoGo