Table 3.
Source: Global Malaria Action Plan (2008) and Roll Back Malaria (2012).
Authors' estimates. Cost needed for 2015 has been revised upwards by RBM in May 2012 from $5,837 million envisioned in the GMAP (2008) to $6,597 million in the Resource Mobilization Strategy for the 2012–2015 Phase of Implementation of the GMAP. This revision reflects a 13% increase. We inflate GMAP (2008) estimates for 2020 and 2025 by the same degree to reflect that GMAP (2008) cost estimates may have been too low. For the years between these periods, we interpolate annual costs in a linear fashion for each five-year interval. As for the period between 2025 and 2030, we extrapolate costs using the average annual change during the period between 2020 and 2025.