Fig. 6.
Abnormal spongiotrophoblast and glygocen cell phenotype in maternal Del7AI heterozygotes at E15.5. (A) Tpbpa, (B) Pcdh12, and (C) Cdkn1c ISH performed on E15.5 placentae. Multiple sections from two placentae of each genotype were assessed and representative sections are shown. Sense probes not shown. The blue stain shows gene expression. (D) Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain revealing glycogen cells. Dark pink/purplish stain shows glycogen staining. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. d: decidua; TGC: parietal trophoblast giant cells; SpT: spongiotrophoblast; GlyT: trophoblast glycogen cells; lab: labyrinth layer.