Comparison with previous results.
A, plots of lifetime versus force of GPIbα bonds with 1238-A1 (black square) or 1261-A1 (red square) measured by BFP in this study (mean ± S.E. of >20 measurements per point), with 1238-A1 measured by AFM in our previous study (6) (orange diamond), and with 1261-A1 measured by OT in a previous study (15) (blue circle and triangle). B, comparison of 1261-A1 lifetime distributions measured by BFP in this study (black symbols) and by OT in the previous study (15) (blue symbols) at two very close force bins (squares and circles). C–E, lifetime distributions measured by BFP in this study (black) and those measured by AFM in our previous study (red) were compared at three representative forces: 5 pN for the low force regime where the low slip bond was observed in this study but not in our previous study (C), 22 pN for the intermediate force regime where the catch bond was observed in both of our studies (D), and 50 pN for high force regime where the high slip bond was observed (E) in both of our studies.