Fig. 5.
Phosphorylation on endocytic, phagocytic, and cytoskeleton proteins, and the mechanism of cell invasion. A, Phosphorylation on endocytic, phagocytic and cytoskeleton proteins. The endocytic, phagocytic and cytoskeleton rearrangement pathways were built based on literature search (see text for references) and KEGG database. B, Contribution of cytoskeleton filaments to host cell entry of WT and ΔlpcC F. novicida strains. J774 cells were left untreated (Unt) or treated with 5 μg/ml cytochalasin D (CytD or C), 10 μg/ml nocodazole (Noc or N), or 5 μm withaferin A (WFA or W) before infection with WT and ΔlpcC F. novicida strains. Data points significantly different to the untreated control (t test, p ≤ 0.05) are marked the asterisks.