Figure 3. Expression of pancreatic differentiation markers in WT and RARβKO ES cells.
Transcript expression analyses of (A) early, (B) mid, and (C) late stage endocrine pancreatic differentiation markers in WT and RARβKO ES cells. RT-PCR analyses of (A) Nanog, Ngn3, (B) Pax6, Isl1, and (C) Ins1, Gcg, and Iapp mRNA were performed in both cell lines at 5, 11, 14, and 17 days of the differentiation protocol (Fig. 1A). Relative levels, normalized to HPRT1 levels for each marker tested, are shown in histograms (n=3; *: p≤0.05; **: p≤0.0079; ***: p≤0.0003).