Table 1.
US features and US classification system with five categories for the suspicion diagnosis of thyroid nodules
Malignant US features (US-Mal) | Borderline US features (US-Bor) | Benign US features (US-Ben) |
Marked hypoechogenicity | Hypoechogenicity | Ovoid shape |
Spiculated margins | Irregular shape | Round shape |
Microlobulated margins | Ill-defined margins | Isoechogenicity |
Microcalcifications | Irregular thick halo | Hyperechogenicity |
Taller-than-wide shape | Increased intranodular flow | Well-defined margins |
Perithyroidal infiltration | Increased peri-intranodular flow | Regular margins |
Perithyroidal invasion | Macrocalcifications | Regular thin halo |
Metastatic lymphadenopathy | Interrupted rim calcifications | Perinodular vascularity |
Spongiform appearance | ||
Pure cystic lesion |
1 = Malignant: ≥3 US-Mal (regardless of the existence of US-Bor or US-Ben); 2 = Suspicious for malignancy: ≤2 US-Mal (regardless of the existence of US-Bor or US-Ben); 3 = Borderline: ≥1 US-Bor without US-Mal (regardless of the presence US-Ben); 4 = Probably benign: ≥2 US-Ben (except spongiform appearance and pure cystic lesion), with no US-Mal, and/or US-Bor; 5 = Benign: spongiform nodules, pure cystic lesions, without US-Mal and/or US-Bor.