Figure 4.
Integrative Physiology and Diastolic Dysfunction at 3 mo. A) ECM based stress-sarcomere length relationships are unchanged in the IG KO (n=8, WT open diamonds; n=10 IG KO gray diamonds). ECM based stiffness (B), as well as collagen volume fraction by PSR staining (n=6) (C) is not changed. Ex-vivo isolated heart data provides wall stress-sarcomere length relationships (D) that show increased stiffness in the IG KO at physiologic sarcomere lengths (2.0–2.3 μm) (E) (n=12). In-vivo end diastolic stress volume relationships (EDSVR) exhibits a 37% increase in stiffness (F) (n=10). Horizontal lines denote mean±SEM, * p<0.05.