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Fraction of MY09/11 consensus PCR-negative and -positive cases, according to HPV type

HPV type MY09/11 consensus PCR Total
Negative n % Positive n % n %
16 37 4.8% 734 95.2% 771 16.2%
18 39 9.0% 392 91.0% 431 9.0%
31 18 5.3% 320 94.7% 338 7.1%
33 10 2.8% 349 97.2% 359 7.5%
35 38 8.3% 418 91.7% 456 9.6%
39 46 12.7% 315 87.3% 361 7.6%
45 20 15.5% 109 84.5% 129 2.7%
51 188 33.4% 375 66.6% 563 11.8%
52 24 9.3% 234 90.7% 258 5.4%
53 3 3.8% 76 96.2% 79 1.7%
56 34 9.3% 332 90.7% 366 7.7%
58 5 7.6% 61 92.4% 66 1.4%
59 9 10.2% 79 89.8% 88 1.8%
66 23 6.3% 345 93.8% 368 7.7%
67 1 2.7% 36 97.3% 37 0.8%
68 27 26.7% 74 73.3% 101 2.1%
Total 522 11% 4,249 89% 4,771 100%