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. 2013 Nov;11(6):517–526. doi: 10.1370/afm.1545

Table 1.

Characteristics of Study Respondents (N = 1,440)

Variables All Patients (N=1,440) City A (G-CHC) (n=480) City B (H-CHC) (n=480) City C (P-CHC) (n=480) P Value (χ2)

No. % No. % No. % No. %
Health care service utilization
Is there a CHC where you usually go
 No 193 13.4 46 9.6 55 11.5 92 19.2
 Yes 1,247 86.6 434 90.4 425 88.5 388 80.8 <.001
Frequency of CHC visits
 ≤2 494 34.6 197 41.1 171 35.6 126 26.8
 ≥3 935 65.4 282 58.9 309 64.4 344 73.2 <.001
Duration of CHC visits
 <1 year 740 58.2 305 74.2 212 49.3 223 51.7
 ≥1 year 532 41.8 106 25.8 218 50.7 208 48.3 <.001
Hospital doctor visits after CHC visits
 No 656 45.6 194 40.4 255 53.1 207 43.1
 Yes 784 54.4 286 59.6 225 46.9 273 56.9 <.001
Presence of medical insurance
 No 346 24.0 122 25.4 124 25.8 100 20.9
 Yes 1,093 76.0 358 74.6 356 74.2 379 79.1 .138
Health characteristics
Presence of chronic medical condition
 No 902 62.6 313 65.2 301 62.7 288 60.0
 Yes 538 37.4 167 34.8 179 37.3 192 40.0 .249
Self-perceived health status
 Fair or poor 637 44.2 223 46.5 227 47.3 187 39.0
 Good or excellent 803 55.8 257 53.5 253 52.7 293 61.0 .017
Presence of self-perceived long-term physical/mental problem
 No 885 74.1 279 73.8 284 72.3 322 75.9
 Yes 310 25.9 99 26.2 109 27.7 102 24.1 .483
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age, ya 43.4±17.1 37.2±13.2 47.2±17.7 41.0±14.4
 <55 1,110 77.7 429 89.9 309 64.4 372 78.8
 ≥55 319 22.3 48 10.1 171 35.6 100 21.2 <.001
Sex, No. (%)
 Male 601 41.8 218 45.4 185 38.5 198 41.3
 Female 838 58.2 262 54.6 295 61.5 281 58.7 .094
Marriage, No. (%)
 No 241 16.7 81 16.9 66 13.8 94 19.6
 Yes 1,198 83.3 399 83.1 414 86.3 385 80.4 .051
Educational level, No. (%)
 Junior secondary or below 851 59.1 391 81.5 298 62.1 162 33.8
 Senior secondary or above 588 40.9 89 18.5 182 37.9 317 66.2 <.001
Monthly household income per head
 <¥2,000 611 52.0 200 51.0 275 67.1 136 36.6
 ≥¥2,000 563 48.0 192 49.0 135 32.9 236 63.4 <.001

CHC=community health center; G-CHC=government-owned CHC; H-CHC=hospital-operated CHC; P-CHC=privately-owned CHC.


Mean±SD. χ2 Test was used to compare differences in sociodemographic characteristics, health characteristics, and health care service utilization of respondents across 3 cities.