Figure 1.
Androgen ablation cooperates with IR in HT-sensitive PCa. (A) Top: Cells were cultured in hormone proficient (FBS, full serum control) media for 24 hours then treated with 2 Gy IR, steroid deprived conditions (ADT, androgen deprivation therapy), or a concurrent combination of ADT and 2 Gy IR. Cell number was determined on days 6 and 10 post-treatment and set relative to day 1 (control, untreated). Bottom: Relative cell doubling time was calculated on day 10 for each treatment using the formula Td= (t2−t1)*(ln(2)/ln(q2/q1)), t=time and q=quantity. (B) Top: Schematic representing xenograft treatment cohorts. Bottom: LNCaP cells were injected into the flanks of nude mice and randomized into one of the four treatment arms as shown. Tumor volume was determined periodically and relative volume reported. *<0.05 p value compared to all other treatment conditions.