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. 2013 Nov 11;8(11):e77882. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077882

Table 3. Specimen identification success in New Zealand skinks.

Method 1977 Taxonomy
Current Taxonomy
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%
Distance to Exemplar
Correct exemplar, within threshold 39% (91) 47% (111) 54% (126) 58% (136) 59% (137) 53% (131) 80% (198) 92% (229) 95% (237) 96% (238)
Correctly flagged as new species 39% (92) 39% (90) 35% (82) 30% (69) 26% (62) NA NA NA NA NA
Incorrectly flagged as new species 21% (48) 12% (28) 6% (13) 1% (3) 1% (2) 46% (115) 16% (40) 4% (9) 1% (1) 0% (0)
ID as wrong species/Not flagged as new 1% (2) 2% (4) 5% (12) 11% (25) 14% (32) 1% (2) 4% (10) 4% (10) 4% (10) 4% (10)
Best Match
Success, within threshold 86% (219) 95% (241) 96% (246) 98% (249) 98% (250) 88% (256) 96% (279) 98% (283) 98% (284) 99% (285)
Success, outside threshold 12% (31) 3% (9) 2% (4) >1% (1) 0% (0) 10% (29) 2% (6) 1% (2) <1% (1) 0% (0)
Ambiguous 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3)
Misidentification 1% (2) 1% (2) 1% (2) 1% (2) 1% (2) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1)
Best Close Match
Success 86% (219) 95% (241) 96% (246) 98% (249) 98% (250) 88% (256) 96% (279) 98% (283) 98% (284) 99% (285)
Ambiguous 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3) 1% (3)
Misidentification <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1) <1% (1)
No Match 13% (32) 4% (10) 2% (5) 1% (2) <1% (1) 10% (29) 2% (6) 1% (2) <1% (1) 0% (0)
All Species Barcode
Success 26% (67) 29% (75) 30% (76) 30% (76) 30% (76) 63% (183) 68% (197) 69% (201) 70% (202) 70% (202)
Ambiguous 61% (156) 67% (170) 68% (174) 69% (177) 70% (178) 27% (77) 30% (86) 30% (86) 30% (86) 30% (87)
Misidentification 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0)
No Close Match 13% (32) 4% (10) 2% (5) 1% (2) <1% (1) 10% (29) 2% (6) 1% (2) <1% (1) 0% (0)
Distance to Exemplar
Success 95% 95% 82% 82% 77% 35% 80% 87% 87% 77%
Correctly grouped with existing species 2 2 2 2 2 3 21 29 29 29
Correctly flagged as a new species 11 11 6 6 4 11 11 6 6 2
Correctly flagged, but part of a known complex 25 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 0
Failure 5% 5% 18% 18% 23% 65% 20% 13% 13% 23%
Incorrectly flagged as a new species 2 2 2 2 2 26 8 0 0 0
Incorrectly lumped with an existing species 0 0 5 5 7 0 0 5 5 9

Using the distance-based (Distance to Nearest Exemplar) and matching methods (Best Match, Best Close Match, All Species Barcode) for New Zealand skinks based on the 1977 taxonomy and current taxonomy. Identification success was assessed using a range of K2P distance thresholds (2, 4, 6, 8, 10%). The effectiveness of the distance-based approach for species discovery was also investigated for the new taxa found since 1977.