Fig. 4.
Effect of acute hypoxia on IKv in PASMCs from control and 2d-H rats. (A, B) Representative current traces obtained by step pulses (between -80 mV and 20 mV, 20 mV interval, 500 ms duration,) from -60 mV of holding potential. The recording was done at 37℃. Acute hypoxia (PO2 3%) decreased the amplitudes of IKv in PASMCs similarly between control and 2d-H PASMCs. (C) Summary of outward current amplitudes at 0 mV normalized to each control (Ctrl-rats; control, H; hypoxia, *p<0.05). The amplitudes of outward currents were measured at the end of step pulses as indicated by downward arrows above (A, B).