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. 2013 Nov 7;93(5):840–851. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.09.014

Table 1.

Approximate IBD and Non-IBD Likelihoods

GT 1 GT 2 IBD Likelihood Non-IBD Likelihood
AA AA e0pA3+2e1pA2pB+e2pApB fA4
AA AB e0pA2pB+(e1+3e2)pApB+2e1pA3 2fA3fB
AA BB (e1+e2+e3)pApB+e2(pA3+pB3) fA2fB2
AB AA e0pA2pB+(e1+3e2)pApB+2e1pA3 2fA3fB
AB AB (e0+4e1+2e2)pApB+4e2pA3+4e2pB3 4fA2fB2
AB BB e0pApB2+2e1pB3+(e1+3e2+e3)pApB+2e3pA3 2fAfB3
BB AA (e1+e2+e3)pApB+e2(pA3+pB3) fA2fB2
BB AB e0pApB2+2e1pB3+(e1+3e2+e3)pApB+2e3pA3 2fAfB3
BB BB e0pB3+2e1pApB2+e2pApB+2e3pA2pB+e4pA3 fB4

Probabilities for a pair of genotypes having either 1 or 0 alleles shared identical by descent. Allele errors are independent and have probability ε0, and ej=εj(1ε)4j for 0j4. Genotypes have major allele A, minor allele B, true allele frequencies pA and pB, and error-added allele frequencies fA and fB. We estimate fA and fB with the observed allele frequencies, and we estimate pB and pA = 1 − pB using the relationship pB=(fBε)/(12ε).