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. 2013 Nov 12;7:38. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2013.00038

Table 1.

ummary of the main findings of recent reports describing expression of different markers in distinct brain regions in mammals and birds.

Medial Pallium Dorsal pallium Lateral pallium Ventral pallium Subpallium
Hippocampus Hyperpallium
Mesopallium Nidopallium
Arcopallium Striatum
HA IHA HI HD entop.-fl
Brn2 (NCx LII-III)
(Nomura et al., 2008)
Satb2, Cux2, Mef2c, FoxP1 (NCx LII-IV)
(Suzuki et al., 2012)
(Dugas-Ford et al., 2012)
Chicken, Zebrafinch
Nrn1, Myo16, Rorb, Fam19a2,
Stoml2 (NCx LIV)
(Belgard et al., 2013)
Er81 (HP, NCx LV, BLA, STR)
(Nomura et al., 2008)
(Dugas-Ford et al., 2012)
Chicken, Zebrafinch
Er81, Fezf2, Ctip2 (NCx LV)
(Suzuki et al., 2012)
(Chen et al., 2013; Jarvis et al., 2013)

Abbreviations: BLA, Basolateral amygdala; ENTOP.-FL, Entopallium and Field L; HA, Hyperpallium apicale; HD, Hyperpallium densocelulare; HI, Hyperpallium intercalatum; HP, Hippocampus; IHA, Interstitial hyperpallium apicale; LAA, Lateral anterior amygdala; NCx, Neocortex; LII-LIII, Neocortical layers II-III; LII-LIV, Neocortical layers II-IV; LIV, Neocortical layer IV; LV, Neocortical layer V; STR, Striatum.