Fig. 4.
More Foxp3+regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the tumor sites were detected by FACS and IHC. a The collected cells from tumor samples were stained with FITC-CD25, PE-Foxp3 for flow cytometric evaluation of Tregs. Compared to control and rAAV-GFP, significantly higher numbers of Treg cells infiltration in mice with rAAV-SLC treatment. Bars SD, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; i.t., intra-tumor injection. b For IHC analysis of regulatory T cells infiltration, tumors cryostat sections were performed by incubation with mAbs recognizing Foxp3. Positive cells were detected by DAB. More Foxp3 positive cells were found in the tumor sites of mice with rAAV-SLC treatment