Table 1.
Variables, their descriptions and sources
Variables | Descriptions | Sources |
HIV prevalence rate per 100 populations. |
Estimated number of adult population aged 15–49 years | WHO16, PRB18 |
Contraceptive prevalence rate |
Percentages of women of reproductive age (ages 15–49) who are using, or whose partners are using, any modern or traditional form of contraception. |
PRB18 |
Physicians density | Number of physicians per ten thousand populations | WHO16 |
Proportion of Muslim populations |
Percentage of population that is Muslim | PRC19 |
Adolescent fertility rate | Number of births to women ages 15–19 per 1000 women ages 15–19. |
UNDP17 |
Mean year of schooling | Average number of years of education received by people 25 and older, converted from education attainment levels using official durations of each level. |
UNDP17 |