Figure 2. High RINF mRNA expression is associated with decreased overall survival in AML; an analysis of three different patient populations.
The Kaplan-Meier curves (for survival analysis) and the log-rank test were performed by using the statistical SPSS 19.0. P values (log-rank test) of the comparison of the various groups of patients are indicated in each of the figures. (LEFT) The figure shows the results for the 27 unselected patients with newly diagnosed AML (Norwegian cohort) who received intensive chemotherapy. The figure compares the survival for the 9 patients with the highest RINF levels with the 18 patients with intermediate and low expression. The survival differed significantly between the two groups (p=0.012). (MIDDLE) The microarray dataset (Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome HG-U133B) performed by Metzeler KH et al. [6] (163 patients) was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus website ( with accession number GSE12417. The whole raw data were normalized using RMA (Robust Multiarray Averaging method) with the Expression Console software from Affymetrix. Since there were 3 probesets targeting CXXC5 (222996_s_at, 224516_s_at and 233955_x_at), the number of variable was reduced by PCA reduction analysis to determine the CXXC5 mRNA expression. The patients have been classified in 3 equivalent groups according to a high (n=55), an intermediate (n=54), or a low (n=54) RINF expression level. Here, the low (n=54) and intermediate (n=54) groups have been fused because they had similar survival. Note that because of an odd number of patients (n=163) the groups included different numbers of patients (55 versus 54). (RIGHT) RINF expression and survival was compared for 87 patients with core-binding factor AML; this analysis was also based on public microarray data [7] and again we observed a significant association between overall survival and RINF mRNA expression