FIG. 10.
Examples of individual SFOAE STC (in red, circles) and PTC (black—upward masker sweep; gray—downward sweep) fits for 1,000 (A and B) and 4,000 Hz (C and D). The left panels show examples of fits with BW10 ratios close to 1 (“good” agreement in terms of sharpness of tuning), whereas the right panels show examples of relatively poor agreement. All STCs were collected for 10 dB SL/−6 dB SPL condition. For this condition, the BW10 ratios ranged from 0.33 to 2.12 for 1,000 Hz data and from 0.66 to 1.62 for 4,000 Hz data. Triangles denote frequencies of SOAEs, if present.