Fig. 3.
Photomicrographs of histological specimens depicting the invasion of PC-14 implants into the spinal canal. A: Sagittal section of a normal vertebral level demonstrating the muscle layer anterior to the VB and a normal venous foramen with a patent IVP. B: Higher magnification of the inset in panel A, demonstrating red blood cells within a normal venous foramen and IVP. C: Section showing PC-14 cells infiltrating the VB 7 days after implantation. Tumor cells are seen within the venous foramen and occluding the IVP. D: Higher magnification of the inset in panel C, demonstrating tumor cells occluding the IVP. E: Sagittal section demonstrating a normal level (upper part of the panel) containing healthy bone marrow, and a level completely colonized by PC-14 cells (lower part of the panel). Note the extension of tumor cells through the venous foramen and IVP, forming an early epidural mass. F: Tumor cells initially replace the bone marrow, and only gradually alter the architecture of the trabecular bone. H & E, original magnification × 50 (A, C, and E); × 200 (B and D); × 100 (F). Tu = tumor; VF = venous foramen.