Table 2. Mean values of ECG Intervals with Standard Deviations and the Range of Normal Limits from the 2nd to 98th Percentile by Race.
All Women | White | African-American | Hispanic | Asian/ Pacific | |
Heart Rate (bpm) | 66; 9.2 49 → 88 | 66; 9.2 49 → 87 | 67; 9.8*** 50 → 89 | 66; 8.8NS 50 → 87 | 67; 9.1NS 51→ 88 |
PR (ms) | 158; 33.9 118 → 212 | 157; 34.6 118 → 212 | 164; 34.9*** 124 → 220 | 155; 22.0** 118 → 204 | 158; 20.9NS 124→ 209 |
QRS (ms) | 85; 8.1 70 → 104 | 85; 8.0 70 → 104 | 84; 8.5*** 68 → 104 | 85; 8.2NS 70 → 104 | 85; 8.1NS 70 → 104 |
† QTea (ms) | 413; 14.2 388 → 449 | 413; 14.0 388 → 448 | 414; 14.9NS 388 → 452 | 414; 15.0* 389 → 451 | 418; 16.1*** 393 → 460 |
† QTpa (ms) | 328; 17.0 294 → 366 | 328; 16.7 295; 365 | 326; 18.9*** 288 → 368 | 328; 17.6NS 294 → 366 | 331; 17.4*** 299 → 372 |
‡ QToa (ms) | 236; 15.3 207 → 271 | 237; 15.2 208 → 271 | 233; 16.2*** 202 → 271 | 234; 15.1*** 207 → 269 | 232; 14.4*** 206 → 266 |
§ TpTxd (ms) | 33; 8.5 20 → 56 | 33; 8.2 20 → 54 | 35; 10.3*** 20 → 64 | 34; 9.1*** 20 → 58 | 35; 9. 3*** 22 → 60 |
# (TpTe)a (ms) | 85; 11.2 63 → 112 | 85; 10.9 64 → 111 | 87; 13.5*** 61 → 119 | 86; 11.8*** 60 → 113 | 87; 14.1NS 54 → 121 |
signifies P<0.0001,
=P<0.05 and NS nonsignificant for mean difference from white women.
QTea and QTpa are rate-adjusted QTend (QTe) and QTpeak (QRp) intervals by formulas listed in Table 1.
QToa is the rate adjusted QTonset (QTo) interval by formula QToa = QTo +107*(1-RR).
TpTxd signifies crossmural left ventricular repolarization time gradient, equal to the interval from Tp to Txd where Txd is the time point of maximum slope at the global T wave downstroke (see methods).
TpTe computed as the difference (QTea-QTpa) or as TpTe + 0.5*(HR-60).