Casein gel zymography of experimental BP lesional skin. Skin samples (12 μg/lane) from BALB/c mice injected with PBS (lane 1), control rabbit IgG (lane 2), or pathogenic anti-mBP180 IgG (lanes 3, 6, 8, 10–13) were analyzed by casein gel zymography. Purified murine neutrophil extract (1 μg/lane; lanes 4, 7, and 9) and purified human NE (5 ng/lane; lane 5) were used as a standard. The 29-kDa caseinolytic band comigrating with the NE standard (arrow) was completely inhibited by the serine proteinase inhibitor, PMSF (lanes 8 and 9), but not by the metalloproteinase inhibitor, EDTA (lanes 6 and 7). This activity was also blocked by neutrophil elastase inhibitor, MeoSUC-AAPV-CK (AAPV, lane 11) or α1-PI (lane 12), but not by the CG/chymase inhibitor, GLF (lane 13) or DMSO (lane 10). mNE, murine NE.