FIGURE 3. Recruitment of CCR9− TSP requires signals from FoxN1+ thymic epithelial cells.
A shows flow cytometric analysis of CCR9 expression by CD45+F4/80−PIRhigh progenitors in fetal liver, blood, and perithymic mesenchyme from WT and nude E12 embryos. B, The number of PIRhiCCR9− (filled triangles) and PIRhiCCR9+ cells (open circles) in fetal liver preparations of WT and nude embryos was calculated, with each shape representing a single embryo. C shows quantitation of PIRhiCCR9− (gray bars) and PIRhiCCR9+ (open bars) progenitors recovered from WT thymic epithelial rudiments, WT perithymic mesenchyme, or nude thymic anlagen. N.S., nonsignificant according to the one tail t test for a degree of freedom = 50 and α = 0.0005.