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. 2013 Dec 19;368(1632):20130022. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0022

Table 1.

ChIP studies comparing binding events between species, strains or individuals. This table is an extension of the data compiled by Dowell [39]. We added studies that compared histone modifications, the tissue or cell type/line being compared and several notes. Evolutionary distances between organisms were obtained from Hedges et al. [40] except where noted. Distance is given in relation to the first species. D. mel, D. melanogaster; D. sim, D. simulans.

organisms compared tissue/cell line or type transcription factor/histone modification conservation level of binding/histone modification region or putatively bound genes reference conservation level of binding/histone modification region or putatively bound genesa notes reference
D. melanogaster, D. yakuba (6.5 Myr) whole embryo (collected within 1 h preceding gastrulation) bcd (bicoid)
hb (hunchback)
Kr (Kruppel)
gt (giant)
kni (knirps)
cad (caudal)
— binding intensities presented differences for all six TFs
— stronger binding events are less conserved
— suggested an epigenetic cause for correlated binding intensity differences
D. melanogaster,
D. annanassae (44.2 Myr), D. erecta (12.8 Myr), D. pseudoobscura (33.6 Myr), D. yakuba (6.5 Myr)
whole embryo (approx. 2–4 h after egg laying) twi (twist)

sna (snail)
approximately 80% (D. mel versus D. sim and yakuba)
57–65% (D. mel versus all other)
34% shared across all 6 species
approximately 91% (D. mel versus D. sim)
98% D. mel twi biological replicate
88% D. mel sna biological replicate
— clustering using the differences among binding maps recapitulated the known phylogenetic tree
— observed differences in binding intensities
— conservation of binding is higher for genes with functions related to the known role of twi
— approximately 50% of binding events assigned to genes downregulated in twi knockouts are conserved, whereas conservation is lower than average for binding events near genes unresponsive to twi knockout.
S. cerevisiae, S. mikatae (5–20 Myr [42]), S. bayanus (14.3 Myr) all species kept under low-nitrogen condition (pseudo-hyphal growth) Ste12
(genes putatively bound in three species)
(genes shared between biological replicates)
— observed differences in binding intensity
— different functions for conserved and species-specific putatively bound genes
two yeast strains: S. cerevisiae strains S96 and HS959 grown in presence and absence of mating pheromone α-factor Ste12 approximately 70% of the genes between S96 and HS959 >0.96 mean Pearson correlation between biological replicates, <0.89 between strains — approximately 78% of the variable binding regions exhibit Mendelian segregation
— several cases of transgression were noted
— 35% of the motifs in cis-variable binding traits were affected by variation versus 1% of the non-variable
S. cerevisiae, K. lactis (>100 Myr [43]), C. albicans (489.8 Myr) Mcm1 7–42% (genes), 13–18% (genes in three species) duplicates were pooled — genes bound in all three species are enriched for cell cycle and mating type. Species-specific targets have new functions [15]
six human individuals (one trio from CEU and one from YRI) lymphoblastoid cell lines CTCF 82% (all six individuals), approximately 99% within populations — 11% of the sites are allele-specific [24]
10 human individuals lymphoblastoid cell lines NFKB
Pol II
NFKB: 94% TSSb, 92% non-TSS
Pol II: 75% TSSb, 72% non-TSS
Pol II 68% between humans and chimpanzee — Pol II binding events: 79% Mendelian, 5% transgression. NKFB binding events: 68% Mendelian, 4% transgression
— 35% of the NFKB and 26% Pol II divergent binding events coincided with genetic variations
— Spearman correlation between gene expression and NFKB: 0.475 and Pol II: 0.461
— stronger binding events are more often conserved
— distinct functions associated with common versus species-specific events
human, mouse (mutant mouse contains a human chromosome 21) (92.3 Myr) liver HNF1A
91% (TSS), 32% (non-TSS)
— mouse chromosome 16 in mutant versus wild-type mouse: 95–100%
— human chromosome 21 in mouse versus in human:
86% HNF1A
82% HNF4A
74% HNF6
86% H3K4me3 (TSS)
78% H4K4me3 (non-TSS)
— used a Down syndrome mouse model to control for experimental and species-specific differences [16]
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) liver FOXA2
11–45% (genes)
18–20% (genes)
31–59% (genes)
13–27% (genes)
HNF6: 66% of the genes bound in human liver were bound in HepG2 [17]
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) ESCs OCT4
2%, 3.8%c
1.9%, 5.3%c
16.7%, 49.6%c
— 11/137 genes downregulated in OCT4 knockouts in mouse and human had a nearby OCT4–NANOG binding event
— 62/137 genes were cases of turnover
— 55/137 of these genes had no binding events
— 82-fold enrichment for overlap of OCT4 sites with LTR9B repeats
— binding events overlapping repeats: 20.9% for OCT4, 14.6% for NANOG and 11.1% for CTCF in human and 7.2%, 17.1% and 28.3% in mouse
— two LTR9B (repeat) binding regions were validated as enhancers
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) ESCs OCT4
9.1% (genes)
13% (genes)
— 14% of OCT4 peaks <10 kb of the TSS
— 21% of NANOG peaks <10 kb of the TSS
— data compared were generated by different studies and platforms (human data from [44]) [19]
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) human liver, HepG2, islets, acinar; mouse liver, spleen, kidney, brain, testes, pancreatic islets, pancreatic acinar and Min6 E2F4 20% (genes) genes overlapping among mouse tissues >65–85% of the genes putatively bound; among human tissues: 70–84% — did not find a relationship between genes downregulated upon E2F4 knockout
— approximately 50 genes with nearby E2F4 binding conserved, GO enrichment for cell cycle, proliferation and DNA repair functions. DNA packaging enriched in mouse-only binding events
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) human adipose stromal cells versus 3T3-L1 mouse adipocytes CTCF
H3K4me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K27ac
approximately 53% (L1)
21% (L1)
approximately 15–30% (>2kb from TSS)
— species-specific histone marks were associated with species-specific expression
— histone conservation was higher near the TSS and increased with enrichment of the peaks
— conservation near TSS decreases with enrichment for PPARG and CTCF
— cases of turnover observed
human, mouse (92.3 Myr), chicken (296 Myr) human CD4+, HeLa and Jurkat cells; mouse ESCs and embryonic fibroblasts; chicken 5- and 10-day-old red blood cells CTCF 7% of the chicken sites (or 2% of the mouse sites) found in both red blood cell are conserved in all three species conservation within species (% of the largest set):
mouse tissues: 27%
human cells: 36%
chicken: 16%
— only sites that were present in all cells of each species and across species were considered [45]
human, chimpanzee (6.3 Myr) lymphoblastoid cell lines H3K4me3 69.5±0.3% (human–chimpanzee)
63.9±0.4% (human–rhesus)
63.2±0.3% (chimpanzee–rhesus)
overlap within the same species: 77.7±0.4% — estimated that at most 7% of gene expression differences between human, chimpanzee and 3% between chimpanzee and rhesus correlated with differences in H3K4me3
— conservation was higher for peaks <1kb of the TSS
human, mouse (92.3 Myr) various H3K4me1
approximately 20–40%
approximately 80% TSSb, >approximately 10–40% non-TSS
approximately 80% TSSb, >approximately 20–40% non-TSS
— data compared were generated by different studies and platforms
— conserved fraction was higher near TSS
— conservation increased when regions were present in multiple cell types
— fraction of conserved regions increased with number of transcription factors bound
human, mouse (92.3 Myr), dog (94.2 Myr), opossum (162.6 Myr), chicken (296 Myr) liver CEBPA 2% human–chicken
7% human–opossum
13% human–mouse
0.3% (all five species)
71% human–human
66% mouse–mouse
61% dog–dog
57% opossum–opossum
56% chicken–chicken
— binding events conserved in at least two species are more likely to occur near genes that are differentially expressed upon knockout of CEPBA/HNF4A
— no correlation between binding intensity and conservation
— observed many cases of turnover events
— 20–40% of the motifs located in species-specific binding events were intact. A ‘larger fraction’ of the motifs were found to be disrupted
human, mouse (92.3 Myr), dog (94.2 Myr) liver HNF4A 12% human–mouse
9% human–dog
72% human–human
77% mouse–mouse
63% dog–dog
human, chimpanzee (6.3 Myr) lymphoblastoid cell lines Pol II 68% — species-specific events were associated with different functions than conserved events
— higher conservation for stronger Pol II binding events

aData in this column can be used to assess the significance of the divergence shown in the previous column. When available, the data reports the conservation level in a ‘reference’ group, such as between biological replicates or between different tissues of the same species, or different species when the previous column refers to a comparison within the same species. For example, a 20% conservation level between species is not surprising if replicates shown 20% conservation only.

b<1kb of the TSS.

cTop 10% binding events.