Figure 6. EphB2 Signals through Sox2 to Induce N-Cadherin Remodeling.
(A) Quantification of clustering of Schwann cell cultures infected with adenoviruses encoding GFP or Sox2-GFP.
(B) Representative immunofluorescence images of GFP- and Sox2-GFP-overexpressing Schwann cells stained for N-cadherin (red). Endogenous GFP fluorescence is also shown. Scale bars represent 25 μm.
(C) Top: western analysis of lysates of GFP-over-expressing Schwann cells cultured on fibroblast membranes for indicated times. GFP levels were used for loading control. Bottom: western analysis of lysates from Schwann cells treated with preclustered recombinant ephrin-B2 for indicated time intervals.
(D) Quantification of clustering of scr siRNA-treated and Sox2 knockdown Schwann cells cultured in the absence (SC Scr; SC Sox2) or presence (SC+Fb Scr; SC+Fb Sox2) of fibroblasts. Insert shows western analysis of Sox2 knockdown and loading control (β-tubulin).
See also Figure S5.