Fig. 12.
Addition of Tg6F to chow supplemented with LPA prevents the increase in unsaturated LPA levels in the small intestine and prevents systemic inflammation and dyslipidemia. Female LDLR−/− mice, age 3–4 months (n = 10–20 per group), were fed chow only (A, B), chow supplemented with 1 μg of LPA (18:0 or 18:2) per gram chow that was mixed into normal mouse chow as described in Materials and Methods (A–G), chow supplemented with 1 μg of LPA (18:0 or 18:2) per gram chow plus 2.2% by weight freeze-dried tomato powder that was also mixed into the chow using either EV tomatoes or Tg6F tomatoes (A–G), or WD or WD plus 2.2% by weight Tg6F (A–G). After 2 weeks the mice were bled and perfused to remove all blood, the small intestine was harvested, and luminal contents were removed. LPA 18:0 levels in the tissue of the duodenum (A), LPA 18:1 levels in the tissue of the duodenum (B), and LPA 18:2 levels in the tissue of the duodenum (C) were determined as described in Materials and Methods. Plasma SAA (D), plasma total cholesterol (E), plasma triglycerides (F), and HDL-cholesterol (G) were determined as described in Materials and Methods for all groups except the chow only group.