Fig. 2.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1; active) and des-acyl ghrelin in lean and obese rats fed increasing doses of prebiotic. Values are means, with their standard errors represented by vertical bars (n 8). (a) Serial values during the 90 min meal tolerance test. * Mean values were significantly different between the lean and obese groups from those of control diets (P≤0·05; two-way ANOVA and repeated-measures ANOVA). † Mean values were significantly different between the lean and obese groups from those of 10 % fibre diets (P≤0·05; two-way ANOVA and repeated-measures ANOVA). ‡ Mean values were significantly different between the lean and obese groups from those of 20 % fibre diets (P≤0·05; two-way ANOVA and repeated-measures ANOVA). (b) Total area under the curve (tAUC). * Mean values were significantly different from those of the control within the lean or obese groups (P≤0·05; two-way ANOVA and repeated-measures ANOVA). LC ((a) —○—; (b) □), lean control; LF ((a) —□—; (b)
), lean fibre; LHF ((a) —△—; (b) ■), lean high fibre; OC ((a) —●—; (b)
), obese control; OF ((a) —■—; (b)
), obese fibre; OHF ((a) —▲—; (b)
), obese high fibre.