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. 2013 Nov 12;8(11):e78443. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078443

Figure 3. Crystal structure of human Hsp70 NBD in complex with VER-155008.

Figure 3

(PDB entry code 4IO8). A, Zoom into the nucleotide binding pocket with NBD in cartoon and transparent surface representation. VER-155008 interacting residues are shown as sticks with hydrogen bonds (K271, S275 and water molecules) and π-stacking R272 indicated as dotted and dashed lines, respectively. B, overlay of the structure of human Hsc70 NBD in complex with Bag1 and VER-155008 (green, PDB ID 3FZL; [24]) and our structure (gold) in cartoon representation with VER-155008 in stick representation colored according to the elements with carbon colored in green (3FZL) and gold (our structure). C, overlay of bovine Hsc70 NBD K71M variant in complex with ATP (blue, PDB ID 1KAX; [58]) and our structure (gold) in cartoon representation with VER-155008 and ATP in stick representation colored according to the elements with carbon colored in blue (1KAX) and gold (our structure).