Figure 3. NO induces an inward current and increases input resistance.
A: Representative recording of a B19 neuron showing that treatment with NOC7 (100 µM) immediately elicited an inward current (holding potential at −50 mV). B: Quantification of the maximal NO-induced current showing that NOC7 evoked a significant inward current compared to the control group. C: Comparison of currents evoked by a voltage step of −10 mV for 0.5 s before and after treatment with NOC7 (100 µM). Note the reduction in the current after NOC7 application (indicated by dashed line). D: Quantification of normalized Rin for vehicle control and NOC7 groups. Rin was normalized to pretreatment values and is expressed in percent. NOC7 significantly increased the Rin in B19 neurons.