Figure 3. Relative changes in abundance of tight junctional proteins as a result of quercetin exposure.
Post-confluent LLC-PK1 cell layers in Falcon 75 cm2 culture flasks were refed with control medium or medium containing 400 µM quercetin 48 hrs before harvesting in lysis buffer. These total cell lysates were analyzed by PAGE followed by immunoblotting as described in Methods. Immunoblots were probed with primary antisera against specific tight junctional antigens also as described. Densitometry was performed on developed blots to quantitate band densities. Three separate cultures and immunoblots were so analyzed. Results shown represent the mean ± standard error with the quercetin treatment group normalized to their respective controls. NS indicates no statistical significance (P>0.05). Where statistical significance was achieved, the P value is provided (Student's t test, one-tailed).