Figure 6.
Zileuton generates H2O2 in K562 cells. (A) DCFH-DA fluorescence data as a measure of H2O2 generated in K562 cells are shown. Cells were treated for 2, 4, and 24 hr with HU, ZIL, or menadione (MND); DCFH-DA (20 μM) was added for 2–4 hr before cells were harvested and analyzed by fluorometry. At each time point, H2O2 levels in untreated (UT) K562 cells were normalized to one. H2O2 levels for the different treatments are shown as the fold increase compared with UT K562 cells at each time point. (B) Cells were treated with MND for 2 and 4 hr in the absence (−) or presence (+) of myxothiazole (MYX) for 30 min, respectively. (C) Cells were treated with ZIL for 2 and 4 hr and analyzed as described in panels A and B. (D) Shown are photomicrographs of the fluorescence produced by drug inducers at 2 hr. Photomicrographs of cells in the absence (−) or presence (+) of DCFH-DA are shown. The corresponding phase contrast (PC) images are shown. A color version is available in the online journal.