A, Latency to the first bout of immobility in the tail suspension test does not differ between hAPP and NTG mice. B, The total time spent immobile during the 6-minute tail suspension test trial is not significantly different between NTG and hAPP mice. C, There is no significant difference between hAPP and NTG mice in the time spent immobile during any individual minute of the trial. D, Repeated tail suspension trials reveal that NTG mice exhibit a significant decrease in latency to the first bout of immobility in the 24 hr trial relative to the baseline trial, but there is no change in the latency of hAPP mice in repeated trials. E, NTG mice spend more time immobile during a 24 hr tail suspension time trial relative to their baseline trial whereas hAPP mice do not change the time they spend immobile. F, Analyzing just the first three minutes of the tail suspension test reveals that hAPP mice spend less time immobile during the initial portion of the test. G, Analysis of the first three minutes of the tail suspension test at baseline and at the 24 hr trial confirms that NTG, but not hAPP, mice increase the time spent immobile upon repeated testing. n = 12/genotype (A–C) and n = 24/genotype (D–E). **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.