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. 2013 Nov 15;3:3202. doi: 10.1038/srep03202

Table 1. Data sources. All data sources used in this disease association study, their size, and edge density. Relation matrices Rij relate objects of two different types and their numbers are reported separately (delimited by a forward slash).

Matrix Data description # Nodes # Edges Density Reference
Θ1(1) Protein-protein interactions 10,360 55,787 0.00104 BioGRID v3.1.9451
Θ1(2) Gene co-expression 539 869 0.006 Prieto et al.52
Θ1(3) Cell signalling data 1,217 7,517 0.01016 KEGG53
Θ1(4) Genetic interactions 542 511 0.00349 BioGRID v3.1.9451
Θ1(5) Metabolic network 5,908 1,505,831 0.0863 KEGG53
Θ4 Drug interaction data 4,477 21,821 0.00218 DrugBank v3.054
Θ3 GO semantic structure 11,853 43,924 0.00063 Gene Ontology28
Θ2 DO semantic structure 1,536 1,098 0.00093 Disease Ontology1
R13 Gene annotations 17,428/11,853 100,685 0.00049 Gene Ontology28
R14 Drug-target relationships 1,978/4,477 7,977 0.00009 DrugBank v3.054
R12 Gene-disease relationships 5,267/1,536 22,084 0.00273 Mapped GeneRIF55