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. 2013 Aug 23;2(4):e000260. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.113.000260

Table 2.

Effects of B6 (B) and C3H (C) Alleles in Different QTLs on Atherosclerosis and Plasma Lipids in the Intercross Between B6.Apoe−/− and C3H.Apoe−/− Mouse Strains

Locus Namea Chr Trait LOD Peak, cM Closest Marker BB BC CC P Value
Ath28 2 Lesion (nonparametric) 3.59 100.5 D2Mit148 12 595±12 897 (n=73) 10 848±10 165 (n=99) 28 271±36 479 (n=56) 1.8E−06
Ath8 4 Lesion (nonparametric) 3.81 31.6 D4Mit139 15 296±13 347 (n=59) 16 945±22 166 (n=104) 12 520±24 876 (n=73) 0.396
Athsq1 4 Lesion (nonparametric) 2.14 77.6 D4Mit33 15 861±24 952 (n=53) 17 479±23 433 (n=118) 10 616±12 244 (n=59) 0.136
Ath31 7 Lesion (nonparametric) 2.25 59.1 D7Mit330 17 873±27 165 (n=56) 16 152±20 439 (n=118) 11 153±16 419 (n=60) 0.198
Ath29 9 Lesion (nonparametric) 5.40 44.2 D9Mit236 22 162±22 430 (n=54) 15 020±20 472 (n=120) 10 123±20 992 (n=63) 9.26E−03
Ath33 15 Lesion (nonparametric) 5.92 37.8 D15Mit188 9386±11 194 (n=48) 14 341±23 011 (n=120) 24 495±25 337 (n=50) 1.95E−03
Ath30 1 Lesion (parametric) 2.34 39.2 D1MIT161 16 369±17 243 (n=53) 16 027±22 747 (n=121) 13 748±22 869 (n=58) 0.765
Ath1 1 Lesion (parametric) 2.1 78 D1Mit270 17 752±24 695 (n=64) 16 318±23 341 (n=102 11 913±14 121 (n=67) 0.261
Ath28 2 Lesion (parametric) 3.24 100.5 D2Mit148 12 595±12 897 (n=74) 10 848±10 165 (n=99) 28 271±36 479 (n=56) 1.8E−06
Ath8 4 Lesion (parametric) 3.30 33.6 D4Mit178 14 252±12 034 (n=56) 19 297±28 313 (n=107) 10 376±12 777 (n=69) 2.41E−02
Athsq1 4 Lesion (parametric) 2.65 75.6 D4Mit33 15 861±24 952 (n=53) 17479±23433 (n=118) 10 616±12 244 (n=59) 0.136
Ath31 7 Lesion (parametric) 2.77 61.1 D7Mit330 17 873±27 165 (n=56) 16152±20439 (n=118) 11 153±16 419 (n=60) 0.198
Ath29 9 Lesion (parametric) 3.65 46.2 D9Mit236 22 162±22 430 (n=54) 15 020±20 472 (n=120 10 123±20 992 (n=63) 9.26E−03
Ath33 15 Lesion (parametric) 4.33 25.8 D15Mit143 9107±10943 (n=47) 14 181±21 364 (n=127) 22 794±25 419 (n=62) 2.41E−03
Hdlq5 1 HDL 7.30 67.71 D1Mit425 64.8±45.3 (n=63) 107.1±61.3 (n=113) 114.1±66.7 (n=55) 2.9E−06
Hdlq16 8 HDL 2.11 17.7 D8Mit191 81.0±53.3 (n=56) 107.9±66.8 (n=134) 83.5±49.3 (n=43) 6.5E−03
Hdlq17 9 HDL 3.04 0 to 34 D9Mit297 81.1±53.8 (n=65) 95.0±62.8 (n=105) 116.2±63.8 (n=64) 4.80E−03
Hdlq54 9 HDL 3.55 43.91 D9Mit236 73.2±48.7 (n=55) 95.8±60.6 (n=120) 120.2±66.7 (n=61) 1.8E−04
Hdlq18 12 HDL 2.81 12.04 D12Mit84 77.7±52.5 (n=60) 112.3±65.5 (n=98) 92.8±60.6 (n=73) 2.1E−03
Lipq2 13 HDL 3.05 64.72 D13Mit151 73.1±49.1 (n=55) 101.8±60.0 (n=116) 108.4±70.2 (n=64) 3.7E−03
Cq1 1 Non‐HDL 4.92 75.67 D1Mit270 696.2±341.6 (n=61) 859.7±363.9 (n=101) 976.9±332.6 (n=69) 4.3E−05
Chol8 4 Non‐HDL 2.51 13.55 D4Mit192 938.6±353.6 (n=48) 873.3±361.4 (n=106) 730.4±344.9 (n=75) 3.1E−03
Nhdlq12 12 Non‐HDL 6.59 54.04 D12mit277 865.6±291.4 (n=49) 909.7±373.4 (n=148) 575.3±265.7 (n=38) 1.1E−06
Chldq8 14 Non‐HDL 2.24 29.37 D14MIT155 743.9±336.3 (n=68) 869.0±359.5 (n=109) 941.3±377.4 (n=54) 8.1E−03
Nhdlq9 15 Non‐HDL 2.43 51.82 D15Mit161 830.6±327.7 (n=54) 798.9±364.9 (n=123) 977.1±358.8 (n=56) 7.9E−03
Nhdlq2 X Non‐HDL 2.22 24.59 DXMit81 804.2±366.2 (n=110) 875.9±358.2 (n=116) 1.4E−01
Tglq1 1 Triglyceride 6.42 77.67 D1Mit270 111.6±26.2 (n=61) 135.5±41.6 (n=102) 148.5±48.0 (n=69) 1.9E−06
Tgq10 2 Triglyceride 2.62 49.35 D2Mit126 117.4±34.5 (n=57) 139.3±46.9 (n=124) 135.7±35.6 (n=53) 4.6E−03
Tgq28 16 Triglyceride 2.51 9.66 D16Mit165 133.5±48.7 (n=68) 140.9±42.7 (n=97) 119.0±31.5 (n=62) 3.7E−03

Data are mean±SD. The units for these measurements are μm2/section for atherosclerotic lesions and mg/dL for plasma lipid levels. The number in the brackets represents the number of progeny with a specific genotype at a peak marker. ANOVA was used to determine the significance level (P value) of differences for a specific phenotype among progeny with different genotypes at a specific marker. The significant LOD scores were highlighted in bold. BB indicates homozygous for B6 alleles at the linked peak marker; CC, homozygous for C3H alleles; BC, heterozygous for B6 and C3H alleles at the peak marker; QTL, quantitative trait locus; Chr, chromosome; LOD, logarithm of odds.