Table 2.
Basic meristem types and their characteristics
Meristem type | Acropetal activity | Apical meristem | Meristem shape | Lateral primodia | Axillary meristem development | Sequence of development |
Vegetative meristem (VM) | infinite | indeterminate | small, usually dome-shaped | leaves | delayed | acropetal |
Inflorescence meristem (IM) | limited | indeterminate (→ determinate) | enlarged, dome-shaped or flat | bracts | immediate | acropetal |
Floral unit meristem (FUM) | lacking | determinate | enlarged, dome-shaped or flat, ‘naked’ | minute bracts, if at all | immediate | centripetal or centrifugal (cymose) |
Flower meristem (FM) | lacking | determinate | enlarged, dome-shaped or flat, ‘naked’ | floral organs | lacking | centripetal (centrifugal) |