Fig. 2.
Aligned amino acid sequences of CorLFY (C. florida, C. canadensis, C. officinalis, C. macrophylla, C. sanguinea and C. controversa). Identical amino acids are shown in the same colour. Composite numbering with gaps (dashes) is indicated at the top. Unless specified, composite numbering is used in descriptions. N-terminal domain: sites 48–126, marked by black brackets; C-terminal domain: sites 214–374, marked by red brackets. Two blue arrows indicate the boundary between exons 1 and 2 and the boundary between exons 2 and 3, respectively. The seven numbers (1–7) shown within coloured heart symbols indicate the seven indels. Red heart symbols represent deletions in C. canadensis, the yellow heart symbol represents a deletion in the BW group (C. macrophylla, C. sanguinea and C. controversa) and green heart symbols represent deletions shared by the DW (C. canadensis), BB (C. florida) and CC (C. officinalis) groups and by the DW (C. canadensis) and BB (C. florida) groups. The red star indicates the conserved histidine residue (His at site 294 of CorLFY) in the C-terminal domain, which was predicted to play an essential role in DNA-binding activity (Maizel et al., 2005). The complete coding region was obtained only in C. canadensis; question marks indicate missing data in the other species.