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. 2013 Dec;103(12):e30–e39. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301622


Regulations Concerning Working Conditions of Foreign Domestic Caregivers in 7 Countries

Regulations Canada Germany Israel31,32 Singapore20 Spain United Kingdom33 United States
Working and living conditions of foreign domestic caregivers are regulated Yes Yes Yes Very little Very little Yes No
Minimum wages Yes Recommendation only (wage must not be immoral) Yes No Yes Yes NA
Room, board, and accommodation Yes Not obligatory but commonly accepted, high standard Yes, but only low standard of accommodation required Own room if possible; otherwise sufficient space, protection from environmental elements, safety, ventilation, and adequate food required No NA
Right to free time (holiday, days off, limits on work time) Yes Yes Yes, a weekly rest period of ≥ 36 h on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, according to religion of worker Yes, a weekly rest day Yes, but is often ignored NA
Workplace safety insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes No insurance regulations; employer must ensure workplace is safe NA
Social insurance Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA
Medical care/health insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes No Statutory sick pay NA
Written contract Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA
Contact with family and place of origin Employer pays travel expenses for home visits Reimbursement is not obligatory; only Internet and phone are commonly accepted NA

Note. NA = not applicable.