Fig 4.
Functionality of glomerular filtration of sFlt-1-treated mice after a 10 days time period. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis was performed with 1 μl of representative mouse urine samples. Lane 1 contains urine from untreated mice, lane 2 urine from eGFP mice (2 × 109 pfu) and lane 3 shows urine from mice treated with Adv for VEGF (1 × 108 pfu). Lane 4 and 5 contain urine from mice treated with AdvsFlt-1 (7,5 × 109pfu (H) and 3.5 × 109 pfu (L), respectively) and lane 6 urine from a rescue experiment. The presence of large amounts of albumin around 67 kD is identified in the AdvsFlt-1-treated mouse and demonstrated damage of the kidney filter. (B) Mouse albumin was measured by ELISA in 24-h urine from untreated (n= 6), GFP (2 × 109 pfu, n= 2), VEGF (1 × 108pfu, n = 3) and msFlt-1- (3,5 × 109 pfu, n= 3) treated animals. For rescue mouse were co-treated with msFlt-1 and VEGF (n= 2). Data are mean (±SEM) of several mice used for each experiment. *P < 0.01 as compared with sFlt-1- (AdsFlt-1) treated mice.