Table 7.
Clinical and demographic features associated with disability and secondary progression in different natural history studies8
Location | Endpoint | From onset of multiple sclerosis | Age at the onset of the disability | ||
| |||||
Positively associated with better outcome | Not associated | Positively associated with better outcome | Not associated | ||
Göteborg,Sweden | DSS 6 | Younger onset age; monoregional onset symptoms; RR disease course | Gender; specific onset symptoms: optic neuritis, brainstem,spinal symptoms;season of birth | -- | -- |
London, Ontario,Canada | DSS 6 | Female gender;younger onset age; RR disease course; onset symptoms: presence of optic nerve involvement; absence of motor (insidious) or limb ataxia/balance symptoms | Onset symptoms: sensory, motor (acute), diplopia, and/or vertigo | -- | -- |
Lyon, France | EDMUS impairment scale (DSS adapted) | Female gender; younger onset age; onset symptoms: presence of optic neuritis; absence of long-tract involvement; RR disease course | Brainstem involvement | Female gender; older onset age; RR disease course (for DSS 4&6, not7) | Onset symptoms: optic neuritis; brainstem or long tracts involvement |
Lyon, France | SPMS | Female gender | Onset symptoms: long tracts, optic neuritis, brainstem | -- | -- |
British Columbia, Canada | DSS 6 | Female gender; younger onset age; RR disease course | Onset symptoms: motor, sensory, optic neuropathy, or cerebellar, ataxia, or brainstem; month or season of birth | Older onset age; RR diseasecourse | Gender; onset symptoms: motor, sensory,optic neuropathy, or cerebellar, ataxia, or brainstem; month or season of birth |
DSS: Disability Status Scale; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; EDMUS: European Database for Multiple Sclerosis; NA: Not available; RR: Relapsing-remitting; SPMS: Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis
Studies have been placed in approximately chronological order, starting with the oldest. Findings from multivariate analysis were reported where possible.