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. 2013;12(1):1–8.

Table 7.

Clinical and demographic features associated with disability and secondary progression in different natural history studies8

Location Endpoint From onset of multiple sclerosis Age at the onset of the disability

Positively associated with better outcome Not associated Positively associated with better outcome Not associated
Göteborg,Sweden DSS 6 Younger onset age; monoregional onset symptoms; RR disease course Gender; specific onset symptoms: optic neuritis, brainstem,spinal symptoms;season of birth -- --
London, Ontario,Canada DSS 6 Female gender;younger onset age; RR disease course; onset symptoms: presence of optic nerve involvement; absence of motor (insidious) or limb ataxia/balance symptoms Onset symptoms: sensory, motor (acute), diplopia, and/or vertigo -- --
Lyon, France EDMUS impairment scale (DSS adapted) Female gender; younger onset age; onset symptoms: presence of optic neuritis; absence of long-tract involvement; RR disease course Brainstem involvement Female gender; older onset age; RR disease course (for DSS 4&6, not7) Onset symptoms: optic neuritis; brainstem or long tracts involvement
Lyon, France SPMS Female gender Onset symptoms: long tracts, optic neuritis, brainstem -- --
British Columbia, Canada DSS 6 Female gender; younger onset age; RR disease course Onset symptoms: motor, sensory, optic neuropathy, or cerebellar, ataxia, or brainstem; month or season of birth Older onset age; RR diseasecourse Gender; onset symptoms: motor, sensory,optic neuropathy, or cerebellar, ataxia, or brainstem; month or season of birth

DSS: Disability Status Scale; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; EDMUS: European Database for Multiple Sclerosis; NA: Not available; RR: Relapsing-remitting; SPMS: Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis

Studies have been placed in approximately chronological order, starting with the oldest. Findings from multivariate analysis were reported where possible.