Figure 4.
Angiopoietin (ANGPT)-1 (A) and ANGPT-2 (B) concentrations in the media of no-grow (NG), slow-grow (SG) and fast-grow (FG) follicles (n = 9, 25 and 16, respectively, from 9 monkeys) as a function of weeks in culture. Data from different culture conditions (FSH concentrations and O2 concentrations) were combined for analysis for ANGPT-2 due to the limited sample sizes. Data are presented as non-transformed mean ± SEM. a,b,cSignificant differences between Weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4 for NG (blue), SG (red) and FG (black) follicles (P < 0.05). *Significant differences between FG and SG/NG follicles at Weeks 2, 3 and 4 (P < 0.05). * and † on week 2 data points mean ANGPT-2 concentrations in FG is different from SG and NG, but SG is not different from NG at week 2; * and † on week 3 data points mean ANGPT-2 concentrations in FG is different from SG and NG, but SG is not different from NG at week 3; *,† and # on week 4 data points mean ANGPT-2 concentrations in FG is different from SG and NG, and SG is different from NG at week 4. †Significant differences between SG and NG follicles at Week 4 (P<0.05). Growing follicles reached the antral stage (arrow) at 3–4 weeks of culture (Xu et al., 2011).