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. 2013 Jul 24;3(4):392–401. doi: 10.1007/s13142-013-0224-1

Table 1.

List of studies reviewed

Article title Journal Year of publication Lead author
A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption Am J Public Health 2010 Alexander GL
A computerized social cognitive intervention for nutrition behavior: direct and mediated effects on fat, fiber, fruits, and vegetables, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations among food shoppers Ann Behav Med 2001 Anderson ES
Text-message reminders to improve sunscreen use: a randomized, controlled trial using electronic monitoring Arch Dermatol 2009 Armstrong AW
Web-based weight loss in primary care: a randomized controlled trial Obesity 2010 Bennett GG
An online lifestyle diary with a persuasive computer assistant providing feedback on self-management Technol Health Care 2009 Blanson Henkemans OA
A randomized trial of the Little by Little CD-ROM: demonstrated effectiveness in increasing fruit and vegetable intake in a low-income population Prev Chronic Dis 2004 Block G
Smoking cessation using mobile phone text messaging is as effective in Maori as non-Maori N Z Med J 2005 Bramley D
A digital smoking cessation program delivered through internet and cell phone without nicotine replacement (happy ending): randomized controlled trial J Med Internet Res 2008 Brendryen H
Happy ending: a randomized controlled trial of a digital multi-media smoking cessation intervention Addiction 2008 Brendryen H
Understanding the effects of printed health education materials: which features lead to which outcomes? Health Commun 2001 Bull FC
Randomized trial on the 5 a day, the Rio Grande Way Website, a web-based program to improve fruit and vegetable consumption in rural communities J Health Commun 2008 Buller DB
Improving multiple behaviors for colorectal cancer prevention among African American church members Health Psychol 2004 Campbell MK
Randomized trial of a tailored nutrition education CD-ROM program for women receiving food assistance J Nutr Educ Behav 2004 Campbell MK
Comparisons of tailored mammography interventions at two months post intervention Ann Behav Med 2002 Champion VL
Comparison of three interventions to increase mammography screening in low income African American women Cancer Detect Prev 2006 Champion VL
The effect of telephone versus print tailoring for mammography adherence Patient Educ Couns 2007 Champion VL
A field test of a web-based workplace health promotion program to improve dietary practices, reduce stress, and increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial J Med Internet Res. 2007 Cook RF
Pressing the key pad: trial of a novel approach to health promotion advice Prev Med 2005 Corkrey R
Interactive voice response reminder effects on preventive service utilization Am J Med Qual 2005 Crawford AG
Maintenance of weight loss in overweight middle-aged women through the Internet Obesity 2008 Cussler EC
Evaluation of an interactive computer-tailored nutrition intervention in a real-life setting Ann Behav Med 2006 De Bourdeaudhuij I
Short- and long-term effects of tailored information versus general information on determinants and intentions related to early detection of cancer Prev Med 2004 De Nooijer J
Randomized trial of a "talking computer" to improve adults' eating habits Am J Health Promot 2001 Delichatsios HK
Comparison of two email-delivered, pedometer-based interventions to promote walking among insufficiently active women J Sci Med Sport 2007 Dinger MK
Solar UV forecasts: a randomized trial assessing their impact on adults' sun-protection behavior Health Educ Behav 2007 Dixon HG
A tailored Internet-plus-email intervention for increasing physical activity among ethnically-diverse women Prev Med 2008 Dunton GF
Health-related quality of life and physical recovery after a critical illness: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial of a home-based physical rehabilitation program Crit Care 2004 Emmons KM
Comparing the efficacy of two Internet-based, computer-tailored smoking cessation programs: a randomized trial Med Internet Res 2005 Etter JF
Randomized trial of a neighborhood environment-focused physical activity website intervention Prev Med 2009 Ferney SL
A randomized controlled trial comparing internet and video to facilitate patient education for men considering the prostate specific antigen test J Gen Intern Med 2009 Frosch DL
Associations of internet website use with weight change in a long-term weight loss maintenance program J Med Internet Res 2010 Funk Kl
Reach, engagement, and retention in an Internet-based weight loss program in a multisite randomized controlled trial Med Internet Res 2007 Glasgow RE
Effect of computer support on younger women with breast cancer J Gen Intern Med 2001 Gustafson DH
Effect of computer support on younger women with breast cancer J Commun 2008 Gustafson DH
Weight loss by mobile phone: a 1-year effectiveness study Public Health Nutr 2009 Haapala I
Evaluation of an Internet, Stage-Based Physical Activity Intervention Am J Health Educ 2002 Hager RL
Does using the Internet facilitate the maintenance of weight loss? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2002 Harvey-Berino J
Effect of internet support on the long-term maintenance of weight loss Obes Res 2004 Harvey-Berino J
Effect of Internet peer-support groups on psychosocial adjustment to cancer: a randomized study Br J Cancer 2010 Hoybye MT
The effects on saturated fat purchases of providing internet shoppers with purchase-specific dietary advice: a randomized trial PLoS Clin Trials 2006 Huang A
The effect of an internet-based, stage-matched message intervention on young Taiwanese women's physical activity J Health Commun 2009 Huang SJ
Weight management using the internet a randomized controlled trial Am J Prev Med 2008 Hunter CM
Using internet and mobile phone technology to deliver an automated physical activity program: randomized controlled trial J Med Internet Res 2007 Hurling R
The effectiveness of an interactive multimedia program to influence eating habits Health Educ Res 2004 Irvine AB
Effects of a tailored follow-up intervention on health behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes J Womens Health 2006 Jacobs AD
Smoking cessation via the internet: a randomized clinical trial of an internet intervention as adjuvant treatment in a smoking cessation intervention Nicotine Tob Res 2006 Japunitch SJ
Changes in diabetes self-care behaviors make a difference in glycemic control: the Diabetes Stages of Change (DiSC) study Diabetes Care 2003 Jones H
Utility of a Web-based intervention for individuals with type 2 diabetes: the impact on physical activity levels and glycemic control Comput Inform Nurs 2006 Kim CJ
Ongoing physical activity advice by humans versus computers: the Community Health Advice by Telephone (CHAT) trial Health Psychol 2007 King AC
A randomized trial of an Internet weight control resource: the UK Weight Control Trial BMC Health Serv Res 2003 Kirk SF
The efficacy of Web-based and print-delivered computer-tailored interventions to reduce fat intake: results of a randomized, controlled trial J Nutr Educ Behav 2008 Kroeze W
Effects of a Web-based food portion training program on food portion estimation J Nutr Educ Behav 2007 Riley WT
Effects of a Web-based food portion training program on food portion estimation J Nutr Educ Behav 2007 Riley WT
The short-term impact of tailored mammography decision-making interventions Patient Educ Couns 2001 Rimer BK
Do u smoke after txt? Results of a randomized trial of smoking cessation using mobile phone text messaging Tob Control 2005 Rodgers A
Enhancing theoretical fidelity: an e-mail-based walking program demonstration Am J Health Promot 2005 Rovniak LS
Increasing nutrition literacy: testing the effectiveness of print, web site, and game modalities J Nutr Educ Behav 2008 Silk KJ
Do brief online planning interventions increase physical activity amongst university students? A randomized controlled trial Psychol Health 2010 Skar S
Evaluation of a website-delivered computer-tailored intervention for increasing physical activity in the general population Prev Med 2007 Spittaels H
Effectiveness of an online computer-tailored physical activity intervention in a real-life setting Health Educ Res 2007 Spittaels H
Randomized trial of a brief dietary intervention to decrease consumption of fat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables Am J Health Promot 2002 Stevens VJ
Randomized controlled trial of a web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation program as a supplement to nicotine patch therapy Addiction 2005 Strecher V
The role of engagement in a tailored web-based smoking cessation program: randomized controlled trial J Med Internet Res 2008 Strecher VJ
The PRO-AGE study: an international randomized controlled study of health risk appraisal for older persons based in general practice BMC Med Res Methodol 2007 Stuck AE
A randomized control study of a fully automated internet based smoking cessation program Tob Control 2006 Swarz LH
Using Internet technology to deliver a behavioral weight loss program JAMA 2001 Tate DF
Effects of Internet behavioral counseling on weight loss in adults at risk for type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial JAMA 2003 Tate DF
A randomized trial comparing human email counseling, computer-automated tailored counseling, and no counseling in an Internet weight loss program Arch Intern Med 2006 Tate DF
Efficacy of a single computer-tailored e-mail for smoking cessation: results after 6 months Health Educ Res 2009 Te Poel F
Effectiveness of a nutrition intervention with rural low-income women Am J Health Behav 2007 Tessaro I
Multicenter randomized evaluation of a nutritional education software in obese patients Diabetes Metab 2001 Turnin MC
Randomized controlled trial of a computer-based, tailored intervention to increase smoking cessation counseling by primary care physicians J Gen Intern Med 2007 Unrod M
Using internet technology to deliver a home-based physical activity intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial Arthritis Rheum 2006 Van den Berg MH
Investigating message-framing effects in the context of a tailored intervention promoting physical activity Health Educ Res 2010 Van't Riet J
Efficacy of sequential or simultaneous interactive computer-tailored interventions for increasing physical activity and decreasing fat intake Ann Behav Med 2005 Vandelanotte C
A randomized trial of sequential and simultaneous multiple behavior change interventions for physical activity and fat intake Prev Med 2008 Vandelanotte C
Evaluating nicotine replacement therapy and stage-based therapies in a population-based effectiveness trial J Consult Clin Psychol 2006 Velicer WF
Web-based targeted nutrition counseling and social support for patients at increased cardiovascular risk in general practice: randomized controlled trial J Med Internet Res 2004 Verheijden M
Effect of a web site intervention on physical activity of college females Am J Health Behav 2010 Wadsworth DD
Comparison of trial participants and open access users of a web-based physical activity intervention regarding adherence, attrition, and repeated participation J Med Internet Res 2010 Wanner M
A randomized comparison of two motivationally enhanced Internet behavioral weight loss programs Behav Res Ther 2008 Webber KH
Guide to health: nutrition and physical activity outcomes of a group-randomized trial of an Internet-based intervention in churches Ann Behav Med 2007 Winnett RA
Effect of emailed messages on return use of a nutrition education website and subsequent changes in dietary behavior J Med Internet Res 2006 Woolf SH
Computerized weight loss intervention optimizes staff time: the clinical and cost results of a controlled clinical trial conducted in a managed care setting J Am Diet Assoc 2001 Wylie-Rosett J