Network visualizations showing clustering in obesity (top) and happiness (bottom) in the Framingham Heart Study Social Network in 2000. The top graph shows the largest connected component of friends, spouses, and siblings for whom information about body mass was available. Node border indicates gender (red=female subject, blue=male subject), node color indicates obesity (yellow=BMI>30), node size is proportional to BMI, and tie colors indicate relationship (purple=friend or spouse, orange=family). The bottom graph shows a portion of the largest component of friends, spouses, and siblings for whom information about happiness was available. Each node represents a subject and its shape denotes gender (circles are female, squares are male). Lines between nodes indicate relationship (black for siblings, red for friends and spouses). Node color denotes the mean happiness of the ego and all directly connected (distance 1) alters, with blue shades indicating the least happy, and yellow shades indicating the most happy (shades of green are intermediate). The bottom image involves both ‘geodesic smoothing’ and sampling, as noted in the text.