Figure 8.
(A, C, E, G) Protein labeling schemes to probe pair-wise interactions. The lipid vesicles were immobilized on a surface for smFRET measurements. For nomenclature, for example, in MBD34L4, the “L4” superscript denotes that the label is on MBD4 within MBD34. (B, D, F, H) Single-molecule EFRET trajectories corresponding to the labeling schemes in A, C, E, and G, respectively. (I–M) Compiled EFRET distributions for Cy5-Hah1 + Cy3-MBD4SD, Cy5-Hah1 + Cy3-MBD34L4, Cy5-Hah1 + Cy3-MBD34L3, Cy3Cy5-MBD34L34, and Cy3Cy5-MBD34L34 with excess Hah1. The histograms are Gaussian resolved; the relative peak areas in each histogram reflect the relative stabilities of corresponding states. Reprinted with permission from references (94, 96). Copyright 2008 and 2012 American Chemical Society.